Everyone today surfing on internet is very seriously concerned about their Privacy. As the Cyber crime
is increasing day by day, those who are not doing anything to hide
their real identity must perform some necessary security actions so that
no one can harm them online.
So here in this article, I am going to share with you some internet tips to browse and Surf internet anonymously.
4 Best Ways to Surf internet anonymously
1. Using Softwares :
There are several softwares available for personalizing
your network connection and use a middle layer between you and your real
network. It creates a virtual environment between the user and their
internet connection. These are most popularly known as VPNs (Virtual
Private Networks ). A VPN connection across the Internet is similar to a
wide area network (WAN) link between the sites. From a user
perspective, the extended network resources are accessed in the same way
as resources available from the private network.
The high quality VPNs are normally paid
which provides privacy to industries and other business organizations.
But for normal users there are variety of VPNs available for free.
2.Using Tor Browser :
Tor browser is one of the leading and best
known browser for anonymous surfing over the internet. It changes your
original ip address to the ip address of some remote location. No one
will be able to see your real ip when you surf sites using Tor browser.
It looks much similar to Mozilla firefox but it reduces
the speed of your internet connection upto some extent because every
site which is being opened must be opened through the server of TOR
You can download TOR Browser from their official website.3. Set proxies in your own browser :
You all might have known the process of Setting proxy in your browser.
We commonly do it when we need to access the internet using some public
or shared wifi in offices or educational institutes like colleges etc.
4. Using proxy sites :
If you don’t want to download and install any softwares or
VPNs on your system for privacy, you can simply switch to these proxy
sites. All you have to do is simply enter the desired URL in the input
box given on the website instead of your browser’s address bar. These
sites offer you online privacy for accessing web anonymously. Moreover
these sites will provide you access to those sites which are blocked in
your office or college. Proxy sites have ability to bypass the filters
that restrict the access to several sites.
You can try these sites :