account has been locked temporarily for heavy usage of data sending,
here is quick tutorial to unlock it in fast and better way.
account is has got an error of temporary locked out during busy work.
Google will automatically lock account if they found any abnormal
activity for sake of security and hacking. Time span for lock is mostly
few minutes to 24 hours maximum.Reasons behind locked out
- Receiving, deleting, or downloading large amounts of mail via POP or IMAP in a short period of time.
- Sending a large number of messages to many people at one time.
- Being logged into or synchronizing Gmail emails on many computers, clients, or mobile devices simultaneously.
- It might be also because of browser-related issues. If it found your browser continually reloading while attempting to access your Inbox, it’s probably a browser issue, and it may be necessary to clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
- Providing access to file-sharing, file-storage software, email, Analytics services, browser extensions, or third party software that automatically login to your Gmail account and perform suspicious activity.
How to unlock Gmail account quickly ?
There is only one way to unlock it, by waiting for a while at-least an hour or something. I personally got my Gmail account unlocked in an hour. But it is said by Google support team that it might take 24 hours to unlock your account.You can still try these options to regain as soon as possible:
- Remove POP and IMAP settings from any email client software.
- Close multiple instances of browsers with Gmail login.
- Revoke access to all third party apps and software.
- Clear cache of browser and reopen.
For Google Apps user, you must have to contact your administrator for unlocking your account.
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